Saturday, January 9, 2016

About Me

Hello everyone,
I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog and that God uses it to its fullest. My goal with this blog is to just let out things that have stacked up in my brain, it may be the most random things. But most of all I want to express mostly on here that everyone has a purpose. A much greater purpose. God created everyone beautifully and he wants us to be confident (which is something I struggle with). Living for my Savior has been one of the most wonderful things in my life. I am only getting stronger in my faith and want to share it with people. I will end this unorganized introduction ;). Anyways, just remember that you don't have to be an ordinary guy or girl. Because you aren't. You can be something spectacular if you will only realize it. Wait on Him, trust in Him, and live courageously.